October update

Farm and Nature Walk and Talk:  our visit to Hartley Farm on 5th October was very interesting. Eunice Parker wrote “The whole day was really wonderful. Thank you. I’ve learnt the names of some trees and shrubs, saw some excellent birds, ate a huge, delicious lunch and been further inspired by Tom and Richard about farmers with vision.” Read Eunice’s full report here, especially interesting if you are a naturalist, an Archer’s fan or simply care about how your food is produced.

See the Biodiversity Group for a report on the walk up to Hartley Farm and back.  The Walking Festival have had their best year ever with higher levels of ticket sales. Richard Craft says “Pretty well all the local food & drink themed walks sold out & were very well received.”

‘FOOD FOR THOUGHT’   We are delighted that the new SFADG handout is being so well received. Lydia Booth, the Town Council Communications Manager says: “This is fantastic; just the sort of thing we need to help us spread the word and a very practical and useful guide! I have posted on facebook and twitter!”

This was the topic of our last SFADG meeting, which was particularly well attended. Thanks to the HUB for hosting this meeting and Jess Thimbleby and Cllr Jim Lynch for opening up these areas of discussion for us. Thanks for the many ideas were contributed and have been sent in by email since and which we are still drawing together.  By the way, the Swan Hotel is interested in taking surplus cooking apples, and maybe some other fruit or veg surpluses. Contact James on a Tuesday or Wednesday.

BATH UNIVERSITY – The Future of Food and Farming
Very interesting programme of public events, particularly the speakers on 19th November which include Patrick Holden of the Sustainable Food Trust, here

Did you see ‘What Britain Buys and Sells in a Day’ with Ed Balls, on 1st October, on the global fruit and veg trade that supplies the UK? Putting fruit and veg on our plates out of season, our reluctance to pay what it costs to produce food in the UK and our taste for foods that cannot be produced here, has a huge impact. I found this programme (first of a series of three) quite shocking, read here

November CFB meeting
Schools in our area are doing wonderful work in encouraging children’s awareness of the environment and promoting engagement.  We will be hearing how schools in our area are doing this.